WordPress News

WPKube WordPress News section keeps you updated with the latest WordPress releases, announcements, and exclusive offers. It also includes WPKube news

57 Exciting WordPress Statistics, Facts, and Figures for 2021

When you work with WordPress, you rarely pay attention to the numbers behind the platform. But when you do, you…

3 years ago

45 Popular Brands Using WordPress

When starting a business website or blog, some people out there have concerns about WordPress. They wonder how a free…

4 years ago

4th July Independence Day WordPress Deals & Coupons

We would like to wish all our American friends a Happy Independence Day. To celebrate this day, a number of…

7 years ago

9 Awesome Implementations of The WP REST API

With all the buzz that's been going around the WP REST API for the past year or so, I thought…

8 years ago

What’s Coming in WordPress 4.2 – Emojis, Theme Switcher, And Other Tweaks

WordPress has recently released the 4.2 Beta versions that promise some significant improvements. A few new features are also introduced…

9 years ago