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We offer a range of advertising opportunities to help you reach out a very focused and targeted audience.  All WPKube readers use the WordPress platform to create blogs & websites and regularly purchase premium WordPress products in order to improve their business or blog.

WPKube is one of the most popular WordPress resource site covering – Themes, Plugins, Tutorials, Daily News, Hacks, and Modifications. This site is a great resource for both beginners and advanced users looking to expand and improve their WordPress knowledge.

WPKube has been mentioned on numerous publications and authority sites such as HuffingtonPost, Entrepreneur, SEJournal, TheNextWeb, AllBusiness, WPTavern, ProBlogger, SEO, Inbound, Business2community, and more.

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Sponsored Review

We will write a detailed review (1600+ words) examining all the aspects of your product or service. Contact us if you’re interested in getting your product reviewed. The review will be completely unbiased. If a product is great, we will say so. If it isn’t, we will explain why we didn’t like it.

We will disclose that it is a paid review, at the bottom of the post.

Here are some of our top roundups:

SiteGround Review
Elegant Themes Review

Cost: $650

Listing in Theme Collections

Apart from Sponsored reviews, we also offer theme listings. If you have a nice theme and would like to get featuerd in any of our theme collections. Please get in touch using the contact form below.

Here are some of our top roundups:

Best WooCommerce Themes
Conversion-Focused WordPress Themes

Cost: $100

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